Friday, November 18, 2011

Our Journey

If anyone remembers what I was saying a year ago it was
 "I don't know what is going to happen when Clark gets home. I hope we work out but either way I'm not going to get married for at least {{ and the very least}} a year". 
Well obviously my little plan did not happen the way I thought it would but I just want to write about the journey Clark and I have been on since deciding to get married.

My biggest fears about getting married were:
 1. Not being able to accomplish the things I wanted to do in my life, because once you get married your life isn't just about you anymore.
2. Not being able to afford the expenses of married life. (It's a scary thought having to pay bills, rent, groceries, a car... things I never had to on my own before)

Although I had those fears I decided to take a leap of faith and agree with Clark in that August was the right time for us to get married. 
When looking at the big perspective getting married was what the Lord wanted for us. We knew that we loved each other more than anything and that there was no point in postponing our marriage due to factors that did not seem worth more than the blessings you receive from being married.

Well anyway, now that we are married I can attest that this was the right decision. This is just a list of the many blessings we have received since being married. 
  • Clark got a really good job that makes all the payments and also allows us to save money
  • Clark's parent's gave us a car
  • We found a duplex to live in that is 3 1/2 blocks from campus, not a dump, but waay cheap
  • I got a job as a TA which helps pay for groceries (so glad I can contribute in someway!)
  • I switched my major which is way better prep for getting into a master's program than the business school
  • I just got accepted as a Research Assistant for in internship called Flourishing Families that also is amazing prep for getting into a master's program, a capstone for my major, and is paid!
  • I just found out I received a scholarship for next semester
  • Clark and I qualify for financial aid (anyone who just got married, totally apply! you'll most likely get some funding)
  • I figured out that I can graduate next December, which after we'll probably move up to SLC so Clark can transfer and finish up at the U
  • Clark passed his CDL test at work which will allow him to make $1.50 more an hour (Just have to say I'm so proud of him because the other driver guy did not pass!!)
  • Clark is getting As in his classes (which truly is so amazing to me because he is seriously at work and class from 7am to 8ish pm... He really doesn't have that much time to study)
I'm really not meaning to brag or anything, I just cannot deny that we have been so blessed. 
Of course it's hard every now and then and we do have our struggles in some areas.
But in all honesty, I could not ask for anything better than what life is right now.

Love Him.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

More Babies!

My sister just older than me had a baby, Chad Roger Peterson, on October 22. 
He was named after my grandpa who is the most amazing person in the world.
It was their first, and is so fun that he is just a month younger than his cousin, Max (the first baby blogged about).
My mom (who lives in Iowa) had planned on coming out to see him last weekend so we just decided to wait until she was out here to go up to Logan to meet him. 
My younger sister Lindsay was able to come down too from BYU-I which made it even more fun.
It's always so nice to see family who lives so far away after not seeing them for a few months as well as meet brand new family members. 
I've said this once and I'll say it again, brand new babies are funny little creatures! 
They are so sweet and cute but just way interesting to me. It's kind of crazy to think that you are taking care of this new little person who cannot completely communicate with you and just needs his basic needs to be met which are - food, sleep, and love. 
Love of which I think is and EXTREMELY important factor when it comes to new born babies.
Chad was so cute and needed people to hold him. As he was falling asleep he would randomly open his eyes to make sure someone was there still holding him. 
It was only until he had been asleep for 10 minutes that it was safe to set him down.
Ahh what a cutie!
Anyway, I just think those little babies are something.

Freaking Beautiful Baby Sister

Precious baby hand!! 

Cutie Husband!

Ahh sooo sweet holy cow

<3 Baby lips!

Pretty momma and freaking cute baby baby.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


It's fun being on the other end of the door on Halloween.
 Last night Clark and I served candy to the cute Trick or Treaters! We probably had a total of 6 groups stop by our house (2 being our friends, thanks Kyle and Cassie!) One of those being a 5 year old Jimmer Fredette who told me he liked my kitty face (Freaking cutie) But it was way fun non the less!
 Did anyone hear about the whole animal escape thing in Ohio that was on the news a few weeks ago? 
Well that's who Clark and I dressed up as! 
Clark was the crazy guy who released the animals and I am one of the lions haha.  

So while we waited we took pics... I tried really hard to look ferocious.