Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January Recap

Our life as of late.
This month started out in Vegas for one of my old roommate's farewell.
The next weekend we visited Clark's sister, Leslie, and her family in Oklahoma.
{That was sooo fun getting to know them on a one on one basis... unfortunately we did not take many pics}
And the last pictures were an attempt to throw a hipster party.
{I say attempt because well it wasn't much of a party... and ya still did not take many pictures that night either}
It has been a crazy month getting back into the swing of school as well as traveling to different states but it's been a lot of fun. 

I love life.I love Clark.I love family.I love friends. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Some Random Thoughts

Has anyone ever thought about getting old?
But like honestly... do you really know what it's like?
I've said this a few times on here but just in case anyone has forgotten my major, it is Human Development
and this semester I am taking an Adult Aging class.
Sounds pretty boring I bet but it's actually gotten me to think about things that I've never realized before 
(and i've only had 3 classes so far!)

K but really
Have you ever thought about what life might feel like to your grandparents?
They were once like us you know, they were once young and active and could get out and do things.

I know they may seem like they want to be alone and that they like keeping to themselves
but have you ever thought that maybe it's harder for them to even leave their house?
A lot of their loneliness isn't a choice but more a result of life.
A sad thing that happens to them is people start moving away and don't make the effort that can't be made from the other end.
Because of that older people are discriminated against.
They are looked at as boring, grumpy, and quiet.
But I am sure your grandparents would love if you just took the time to sit with them and ask them about their life.
Your grandparents have lived for decades, they have seen so much in their lifetime if you really think about it.
I know they have a loads of interesting things they could tell you.
I'm not meaning to be preachy but I think a lot of people (especially my age) haven't taken the time to really get to know these people who have influenced more of your life than you probably know.

I have been so fortunate to have lived with my grandparents and gotten to know them.
I love that I can just call up my grandma and talk to her about anything, honest to goodness.
I just hope everyone can step out of their shoes for a second and imagine how your grandparents may be feeling in their life right now.
How would you feel if you lived alone?
And imagine how it would feel to them if you took the time to call and see how they're doing, or go over to their house and instead of turning on the t.v. or just eating dinner,
 actually sit down and get to know them.
I can promise it will end up meaning so much to the both of you! 

These are mine, they are so cute! 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

5 months and 1 year.

Exactly today, Clark and I have been married for 5 months but something else that is cool is exactly one year from today Clark and I had been reunited from him being on his mission for 2 years.
 A TON has happened in the past year as well as in the past 5 months. 

5 things I have learned from being married for 5 months:
  • Time is not the most important factor to determine readiness/happiness of marriage. 
  • It is necessary to tell your hubby exactly what you want/feel/need because he can't read your mind.
  • Being married is a lot more fun and less scary than it seems when you're getting married.
  • Cereal really is one of the best, quickest foods to eat when you're hungry.
  • Being married to your best friend is the best thing in the world. 

31 pictures to recap the past year with Clarkie Bear:

Clark came home!

At the beginning we had many group dates - Sundance

Dancing it up at Kyle's - this was actually our first date in 2 years!

We road tripped to Six Flags and spent the day in the Pouring Rain

While we were in cali we hung out with J&C

We made it to a JAZZ game!

Had lots of fun times on Bonnie Brae Ave

We got to see my niece a lot in Park City

And went to our first official formal dance at BYU

We watched Conference at Temple Square

And Clark helped me run my first 5K race!

Got crazy at some sweet dance parties!

We got engaged on April 4, 2011

I took Clark on my family's traditional hike to the Beaver Ponds

We attended Clark's brother's Wedding

Spent a weekend trip with my family in Southern Utah

And had a crazy spontaneous day - at Parachute's concert!

We made it to the pre-party of HP7P2 but left before the movie started because I got sick

Went on a trip to Jackson Hole/the Tetons with the Brimhalls

 and went to the beautiful wedding of  one of my roommates 

Had a crazy time of getting lost on our way to our engagement Session

And got sealed on August 5, 2011 for time and eternity

Went cruisin' in Mexico for our honeymoon!

Kind of went camping on my 21st birthday

We spent our first Halloween together as a Lion and a Hillbilly 

And had fun in the fall

Went to Iowa for Thanksgiving to visit my momma

And had a fun party for Clark's 22nd birthday

Had our first Christmas together (sadly, this was the only pic we had)

And hit up the ski slopes at Brighton the day after Christmas!

This year also consisted of many intense games of Legretto! 

That was our fun crazy and eventful year in a nutshell.
I cannot wait for more and more to come!